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Utrecht Takes a Stand: Signing the Stop Ecocide NL Manifesto

In a significant step towards environmental justice, the city of Utrecht has taken a pioneering stance by signing the Stop Ecocide NL Manifesto on March 6th. Led by Alderman Linda Voortman, this move amplifies the city's commitment to combatting climate change, preserving biodiversity, and ensuring a healthy environment for its residents and future generations.

By joining over 200 organizations and companies in support of recognizing ecocide as a crime at international, European, and national levels, Utrecht sets a precedent for other municipalities to follow suit. The Manifesto, backed by entities like the Dutch Committee of Jurists for Human Rights, ASN Bank, and Wellbeing Economy Alliance Netherlands, emphasizes the urgent need for robust legislation to deter and prevent environmental harm.

Alderman Linda Voortman underscores the global significance of biodiversity decline and the municipality's responsibility to address it. By signing the Manifesto, Utrecht aims not only to bolster local biodiversity efforts but also to advocate for global action against ecocide.

Dr. Daan van Uhm, Associate Professor of Criminology at Utrecht University, adds academic weight to the cause, highlighting the importance of ecocide legislation in aligning societal norms with environmental protection.

Stop Ecocide NL applauds Utrecht's leadership and urges other cities to follow suit. As an organization committed to fostering thriving societies intertwined with a preserved natural world, Impact Investing Solutions wholeheartedly supports this call for action. We aspire to cultivate thriving and joyous societies across our planet, encircled by a preserved and vibrant mother nature for both current and future generations.

Utrecht's bold step serves as a beacon of hope in the fight against environmental degradation. Let us rally behind their example and work together to safeguard our planet for generations to come.

Credits: This article is based on information from Stop Ecocide (

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Congratulation to @Alderman Linda Voortman and all supporters from the City of Utrecht for your initiative.

Carlo Angeles
Carlo Angeles
Apr 09
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City of Utrecht is at the forefront leadership for climate action! 🎉

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